MR8847 16CH High Speed Memory HiCorder/ Oscilloscope
Hioki Memory HiCorders are high-speed waveform monitoring and recording devices that can simultaneously measure multiple physical phenomena such as voltage, current, temperature, vibration, acceleration and rotation due to complete isolation between channels and from each channel to the ground. The MR8847A delivers 20MS/s sampling, 16 isolated channels, and max. 1000V direct input, all housed in a tough and field-ready body to properly respond to the most challenging work sites from transformer substations to railway maintenance yards to paper and steel mills.
Key Features
• Supports a wide variety of measurements with a total of 13 plug-in modules
• Generate and record with a single unit
• Direct 1000 V high voltage input testing
• High-speed sampling up to 20MS/s with fully isolated inputs
• 16 analog + 16 logic channels to 64 logic + 10 analog channels
• High-speed sampling with waveform judgement function
• Soil-resistant construction strong against adverse working environments
• Big buttons coated to withstand industrial oil and residue
• Drop-in paper loading and one-touch setup, along with high-speed 50mm/s printing
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Insulation Tester Repairs |
Multifunction Tester Calibration |
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